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These are the UI and server components of the sample selection panel of the shiny app. It is generated by including 'SampleSelect' in the panels.default argument of generateShinyApp.


sampleSelectPanelUI(id, metadata, show = TRUE)

sampleSelectPanelServer(id, expression.matrix, metadata, modality = "RNA")



the input slot that will be used to access the value


a data frame containing metadata for the samples contained in the expression.matrix; must contain at minimum two columns: the first column must contain the column names of the expression.matrix, while the last column is assumed to contain the experimental conditions that will be tested for differential expression; a list (of the same length as modality) can be provided if #' length(modality) > 1


whether to show the panel or not; default is TRUE; there for compatibility with specifying panels to show


the expression matrix; rows correspond to genes and columns correspond to samples; usually preprocessed by preprocessExpressionMatrix; a list (of the same length as modality) can be provided if #' length(modality) > 1


the modality, needs to be passed when used within another shiny module for namespacing reasons


The UI and Server components of the shiny module, that can be used within the UI and Server definitions of a shiny app.